Hello…my name is Henri.
I do knowledge engineering and AI work for a scaleup in London - Beamery. I have previously worked at a few talent technology startups, and tech sector things. I ❤️ HR Technology.
At work, I’m interested in:
- Graph databases
- Ontology design
- Entity reconciliation
- Data provenance tools for semantic web
- Modelling skills, companies and occupations
- Building data assets for sourcing and recruitment
- Startup work culture
- Startup hiring
I work primarily with python and RDF semantic technologies….
My github is here
Outside of work, I like:
- European public transport - trains and buses. Policy and infrastructure
- Playing mixed netball
- Singing choral music in chamber choirs
- Learning to speak ελλενικα (was french)
- NW5 and NW3 areas of London - I maintain a map of my favourite places in these areas here
From time to time I do some blogging/paper writing:
- Conference papers:
- Beyond generic skills: creating capability-centric, company-specific knowledge graphs from job descriptions - International Semantic Web Conference 2024
- Rapid Graph Generation from Job Descriptions: combining Taxonomies and LLMs - Extended Semantic Web Conference 2024
- Beamery blogs on semantic web and skills
- Very old stuff from Tech Nation on skills, people and companies - from the web archive (slow to load)
- My personal linkedin
I have lived in:
- Birmingham
- Manchester
- London (current)
I am a proud Brummie! Birmingham is awesome. #KRO #SOTV